How to Participate

Behold, all the many ways you can participate in the festivities throughout June!

Painting Fundraising Social Media Volunteer Guidelines

Paint With Us!

Everyone is welcome to paint along with us during this community event.

The prompt is to grab a model, any model, and paint/mod it to be ready for a pride parade.

However, if you want to go above and beyond, below are some ways you help the campaign even more!

Want to be in the main gallery?

Upload a finished photo of your work to Instagram or Twitter and include #FabulousMarines (you can also tag us @FabulousMarines)

Does It Have To Be A Games Workshop Model?

Nope! Although the event is named Fabulous Marines, any model can be made fabulous. Busts, animal companions, valorous knights, pride-themed terrain, digital art, and more are all welcome to join the virtual pride parade.

The event originally got its name during community discussions about promoting inclusivity in the wargaming community, and the name stuck.

What about the Weapons?

Since our models will be prancing down the digital pride parade, you are encouraged to make their weapons a bit less threatening and more fun.

Here are some ideas for stylizing or converting your weapons:

  • Guns: confetti canons, bubble gun, silly string shooter, bedazzled, nerf guns
  • Swords: rainbow power swords, glow sticks, light sabers, wands, flags, canes

Official Fundraising

By signing up to be an official participant you can help our community raise money for the Trevor Project.

All official participants get these benefits:

Auctions & Raffles

Create an auction or raffle to transparently raise money for The Trevor Project and have the amount added to the community goal!

Find Out More

Content Creation

Whether your community is on Twitch, YouTube, Social Media, or a Podcast, your championship of the cause makes a difference!

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Company Partnership

Do you want to donate to The Trevor Project in honor of the Fabulous Marines initiative? There are options for doing so!

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Local Event

Local gaming stores and hobby gatherings are the heart of the community; where the rubber meets the road, so to speak. Together. we can make a difference in the lives of our fellow siblings-in-arms.

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Become a Fundraiser or a Partner

Ready to become an Official Participant?

Participant Signup

Social Media Booster

Can't fundraise, but want to do more to help? You can help other participants by interacting on social media.

Best Practices Guide on how to boost social posts that use #FabulousMarines

For Both Twitter and Instagram

To Help the Creator, boost their post with these guidelines!




Guidelines for Participation

Any rules or etiquette?

Other than adhering to TOS, we ask that you be mindful of the words you choose when promoting the event. We're doing our best to make this a positive experience, so please avoid starting a fight with people who don't share our views. If you have someone trying to pick a fight, don't engage them. Report hate speech and block the user.

A phrase we've always found helpful to tell people: “We don't do that here"

It isn't confrontational, and simply sets rules and boundaries. If they push back in defense, the easiest response is "Sure, but we don't do that here." Remember that there's power in your words. We set examples for others in a hundred different ways in every interaction. Make it a positive one!

fabulous marines ally logo

Can I Participate As An Ally?

Our allies are encouraged to participate - we need your support to make/prove the wargaming and mini painting communities can be safe spaces for LGBTQ+.

A united community makes the strongest impact.

I Have More Questions!

Take a look at our FAQ! We consolidated all of our general info there with links to find in-depth answers.


Why We're Doing This

The Trevor Project launch has worked to build a safer, more-inclusive world for the past twenty-five years. Their crisis counselors are trained to answer calls, chats, or texts from LGBTQ+ young people who reach out on a free, confidential hotline when they are struggling with issues such as coming out, LGBTQ+ identity, depression, and suicide. They also provide education, peer support, legal advocacy, and other tools, all in pursuit of their vision of a world where all LGBTQ+ young people see a bright future for themselves.

Many Fabulous Marines participants wish they had a resource like The Trevor Project when they were growing up and figuring things out. We understand the importance of helping people with feeling accepted and offering guidance during the turmoil of figuring things out about themselves and their relationships with others.

Additionally, we know the value of having resources available to help understand how best to support loved ones. We believe education on the topics of sexualities and genders is necessary for the entirety of the community as a whole, allies and LGBTQ+ folks alike.

Our Values    Donate
blue and magenta fabulous marine logo

© 2024 Fabulous Marines

This website is not affiliated or endorsed by Games Workshop Group PLC.